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Guillaume Paoli (FR) + America Vera Zavala (RO + CL + SWE)

Thursday- Saturday, the festival will have a series of conversations i different hairdressers in Helsingør.

The conversations will be hosted by the French philosopher GUILLAUME PAOLI in collaboration with the Swedish acitivist AMERICA VERA-ZAVALA.

The conversations will revolve aorund our modern cultural divide in society between those wh participate and those who do not. Aorund the distances between rich and poor, Trump fans and vegans.

During the last decades, culture has undergone an enormous development: From being a relatively free, independent part of society and the market towards a position in society as an instumental value – especially art festivals.

SATURDAY 3 AUGUST: AMERICA VERA-ZAVALA will host a meeting with some of the female artists at the festival, in a conversation about feminist artistic strategies.


Thursday- Saturday, the festival will have a series of conversations i different hairdressers in Helsingør.

The conversations will be hosted by the French philosopher GUILLAUME PAOLI in collaboration with the Swedish acitivist AMERICA VERA-ZAVALA.

The conversations will revolve aorund our modern cultural divide in society between those wh participate and those who do not. Aorund the distances between rich and poor, Trump fans and vegans.

During the last decades, culture has undergone an enormous development: From being a relatively free, independent part of society and the market towards a position in society as an instumental value – especially art festivals.

SATURDAY 3 AUGUST: AMERICA VERA-ZAVALA will host a meeting with some of the female artists at the festival, in a conversation about feminist artistic strategies.

About Guillaume Paoli + America Vera-Zavala

Guillaume Paoli (*1959) er tysk-fransk filosof, bosat i Berlin.

Han har blandt andet været tilknyttet Leipzig Teater og har stået for De Røde Saloner på Volksbühne i Berlin, hvor han også har været en markant stemme i debatten om fyringen af Frank Castorf i 2015. Hans seneste bog ”Die Lange Nacht der Metamorphose” (2017) beskæftiger sig med gentrificeringen af vores kultur og er en analyse af den europæiske kulturs truende kollaps i mødet med neoliberalismen. Han arbejder på en bog om de gule veste i Frankrig som udkommer august 2019, hvor han præsenterer en indgående analyse af hvad der sker når usynlige grupper i samfundet pludselig kommer til syne.

America Vera-Zavala (*1976) er rumænsk/chilensk/ svensk aktivist, feminist, forfatter, dramatiker og debattør, bosidende i Sverige.

Vera-Zavala har bl.a. skrevet en bog om deltagende demokrati i 2003 og været stærkt engageret i samfundsdebatten i Sverige. I 2006 blev hun inviteret til at skrive et teaterstykke for Lars Norén, der var leder af RiksDrama og siden har hun publiceret flere teaterstykker. Hun er kendt som en markant stemme i den svenske politiske debat, hvor hun har manifesteret sig som en af venstrefløjens og feminismens allerstærkeste debatører.