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Gerlev Center for Leg og Bevægelse (DK)
Come and play along!

EVERYONE CAN JOIN when you again this year is being invited to Playfestival at different locations in Helsingør.

Gerlev Center for Leg & Bevægelse is organizing play and movement for all ages with pannabane, parkour and other old games from all of Europe.

Join for some fun at Kulturhus Nordvest, Kulturhus Syd and at Nøjsomhed where Levende Legekultur and Gerlev Center for Leg & Bevægelse invites children, youngsters, adults and elderly to the Playfestival in Nordvest, Vapgnagaard and Nøjsomhed.

It is completely free to join

Come and play along!

EVERYONE CAN JOIN when you again this year is being invited to Playfestival at different locations in Helsingør.

Gerlev Center for Leg & Bevægelse is organizing play and movement for all ages with pannabane, parkour and other old games from all of Europe.

Join for some fun at Kulturhus Nordvest, Kulturhus Syd and at Nøjsomhed where Levende Legekultur and Gerlev Center for Leg & Bevægelse invites children, youngsters, adults and elderly to the Playfestival in Nordvest, Vapgnagaard and Nøjsomhed.

It is completely free to join