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Lonely Orkestar

Señor StetS (DK/ES)
Abused classics

Classic melodies and new material are mistreated by a character obsessed with playing everything simultaneously.

In a fight to succeed, it seems obvious that sometimes the instruments will emerge victorious!

Abused classics

Classic melodies and new material are mistreated by a character obsessed with playing everything simultaneously.

In a fight to succeed, it seems obvious that sometimes the instruments will emerge victorious!

About the company

Karl Stets is a Danish artist, living in Spain since 2002.

His artistic interess focuses on  absurd details.

Karls Stets is a sought after artist all over the world, who seldomly visits the Danish theatres.e danska scenerna.

Artist: Karl Stets
Musik: Duke Ellington, Kurt Weil, Brahms og StetS