ARTIST TALK: Crap at Animals – The Journey
To deliver the performance in Helsingør, Tom will be travelling for over 2 months by foot, walking more than 800 km. (Added sea journeys make the distance over double that)
The journey is somewhere between a walk and a pilgrimage. It’s not just a means to an end, but the journey is an artwork itself – a clown-esque nomadic work of art that is both stupid and serious, combining Monty Python with a spiritual purpose. A new response to the challenges of touring performances in an environmentally sustainable way. Tom har rejst i over 2 måneder til fods og gået mere end 800 km, for at nå til Helsingør og præsentere forestillingen. Med sig bærer han en liste over 44.000 uddøde og truede arter. Selve rejsen er et klovneagtigt nomadisk kunstværk i sig selv; en ny måde at reagere på udfordringerne ved turnéforestillinger på en miljømæssigt bæredygtig måde. Hør mere om rejsen til Tom Baileys’ Artist talk. Artist talk’en er gratis men kræver en gratis billet. LÆS MERE HER
Throughout the walk, Bailey will be wild-camping in ‘right to roam’ areas, carrying not only his own gear, but also a large piece of fabric containing a list of 44,000 extinct and endangered species on the IUCN Red List that he will display poignantly across various landscapes on his journey.
People he meets along the way will be invited to make personal imprints on this fabric – contrasting the bleak past and present of species extinction, with feelings and hopes for the future.
From Scotland’s deforested, scarred landscapes to south Norway’s abundant forests, Tom will trace past, present and future treelines of boreal forests while picking up and spreading seeds methodically and rhythmically as part of the artwork.
In his characteristic performance style, the walk will be playfully themed as echoing journeys of Paleolithic hunter gatherers at the retreat of the last ice age, a clown-esque nomadic work of art that is both stupid and serious.
FREE ADMITTANCE. Free ticket is needed.
To deliver the performance in Helsingør, Tom will be travelling for over 2 months by foot, walking more than 800 km. (Added sea journeys make the distance over double that)
The journey is somewhere between a walk and a pilgrimage. It’s not just a means to an end, but the journey is an artwork itself – a clown-esque nomadic work of art that is both stupid and serious, combining Monty Python with a spiritual purpose. A new response to the challenges of touring performances in an environmentally sustainable way. Tom har rejst i over 2 måneder til fods og gået mere end 800 km, for at nå til Helsingør og præsentere forestillingen. Med sig bærer han en liste over 44.000 uddøde og truede arter. Selve rejsen er et klovneagtigt nomadisk kunstværk i sig selv; en ny måde at reagere på udfordringerne ved turnéforestillinger på en miljømæssigt bæredygtig måde. Hør mere om rejsen til Tom Baileys’ Artist talk. Artist talk’en er gratis men kræver en gratis billet. LÆS MERE HER
Throughout the walk, Bailey will be wild-camping in ‘right to roam’ areas, carrying not only his own gear, but also a large piece of fabric containing a list of 44,000 extinct and endangered species on the IUCN Red List that he will display poignantly across various landscapes on his journey.
People he meets along the way will be invited to make personal imprints on this fabric – contrasting the bleak past and present of species extinction, with feelings and hopes for the future.
From Scotland’s deforested, scarred landscapes to south Norway’s abundant forests, Tom will trace past, present and future treelines of boreal forests while picking up and spreading seeds methodically and rhythmically as part of the artwork.
In his characteristic performance style, the walk will be playfully themed as echoing journeys of Paleolithic hunter gatherers at the retreat of the last ice age, a clown-esque nomadic work of art that is both stupid and serious.
FREE ADMITTANCE. Free ticket is needed.
About the company
Mechanimal is a multi-award winning performance company from Bristol, England. Led by creative director Tom Bailey, the company creates internationally-touring theatre and installation work that explores our Anthropocene times in new ways. Tom is a performer and a nature clown.