Jekyll On Ice!
Jekyll is a sensitive and introverted ice salesman who, in an attempt to break the ice and come out of his shy shell, embarks on a slippery slope.
In his quest to invent the world’s best ice cream an accident happens, the ingredients are mixed incorrectly, and out of the blue his devilish opponent Hyde emerges.
Jekyll On Ince! is a visual comedy that with warmth and humor depicts the attempt to create a balance between being true to oneself and being loved for who you are.
Jekyll is a sensitive and introverted ice salesman who, in an attempt to break the ice and come out of his shy shell, embarks on a slippery slope.
In his quest to invent the world’s best ice cream an accident happens, the ingredients are mixed incorrectly, and out of the blue his devilish opponent Hyde emerges.
Jekyll On Ince! is a visual comedy that with warmth and humor depicts the attempt to create a balance between being true to oneself and being loved for who you are.
Om kompagniet
Actor: Paolo Nani
Dramaturgi: Paolo Nani + Frede Guldbrandsen + Valentino Dragano
Direction: Frede Guldbrandsen & Valentino Dragano
Consultant: Line Svendsen
Set design and costumes: Julie Forchhammer
Builder and special effects: Peter Kapabel