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Drôle d’impression

Dédale de Clown (FR)
Two bill posters’ adventure

Two bill posters are pasting a photographic mural on a wall. Dodging showers of glue and the odd safety hazard, they manage to remain focused on the task at hand.

As they work (encountering a few technical problems along the way), a dialogue emerges between the images appearing on the wall and the two characters.

A strange impression comes over the audience as the images suddenly gain meaning and begin to tell a story. In the end, the jumble of images reveals a surrealist, poetic and burlesque work of art. A snapshot of life, or a dream: maybe that of the bill posters themselves!

DURATION: 50 min.
PLACE and TIME: To be announced!

Two bill posters’ adventure

Two bill posters are pasting a photographic mural on a wall. Dodging showers of glue and the odd safety hazard, they manage to remain focused on the task at hand.

As they work (encountering a few technical problems along the way), a dialogue emerges between the images appearing on the wall and the two characters.

A strange impression comes over the audience as the images suddenly gain meaning and begin to tell a story. In the end, the jumble of images reveals a surrealist, poetic and burlesque work of art. A snapshot of life, or a dream: maybe that of the bill posters themselves!

DURATION: 50 min.
PLACE and TIME: To be announced!


About the company

Dédale de Clown is located in the city of Brest, Bretagne. Yano Benay, Frédéric Rebière and Nicolas Hergoualc’h work in a collaboration blending theatre and photography. Inspired by a classic clown routine (The Bill Posters), the performance “Drôle d’Impression» was created in 2016.

WITH AND BY: Frédéric Rebière & Yano Benay
With the guidance of: Paola Rizza
Photography: Nicolas Hergoualc’h

Link: Dédale de Clown