A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience: through instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations, and shaping the space between you.
The choreographic system in BOXED is inspired by programming language and the choreographic organization of software systems.
BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires.
No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED, however, as a member of the audience, you will be physically active in the creation of this performance.
DURATION: 30 min.
AGE: From 15 years
NB: The performance is in ENGLISH.
Good shoes and a healthy physique are recommended.
Click the TICKET icon to the right: next to TIME + LOCATION or buy a festival-wristband and get free tickets to all ticket-performances. There are different categories of wristbands – for families or individuals. READ MORE and buy PASSAGE FESTIVAL WRITSTBAND HERE
A sculpture that is created by you, the participating audience: through instructions given through headphones, you will be a part of a larger choreographic system, moving objects, creating formations, and shaping the space between you.
The choreographic system in BOXED is inspired by programming language and the choreographic organization of software systems.
BOXED reflects upon what kind of systems we take part in in society – practically, socially, politically, and personally – and what kind of rules and dynamics that requires.
No performance experience is needed to participate in BOXED, however, as a member of the audience, you will be physically active in the creation of this performance.
DURATION: 30 min.
AGE: From 15 years
NB: The performance is in ENGLISH.
Good shoes and a healthy physique are recommended.
Click the TICKET icon to the right: next to TIME + LOCATION or buy a festival-wristband and get free tickets to all ticket-performances. There are different categories of wristbands – for families or individuals. READ MORE and buy PASSAGE FESTIVAL WRITSTBAND HERE
Om kompagniet
Simone Wierød er koreograf og kunstnerisk leder af Wired Studio.
Gennem tværgående samarbejder søger hun løbende at udvide sin koreografiske tilgang og metode og adressere aktuelle dagsordener i samfundet.
Hun bruger koreografi som et redskab til at undersøge og forstå de kulturelle, sociale og politiske sammenhænge, hun lever og arbejder i. Hendes vigtigste redskab i det koreografiske arbejde er kropslig bevægelse, men andre elementer i hendes værker og praksis er objekter, rum og lyd.
Konceptet for BOXED er udviklet gennem udstillingen DataKoreografi arrangeret og initieret af Ph.d.-stipendiat og kurator Anne Julie Arnfred i samarbejde med CATCH (Center of Art and Technology). Videre udvikling af værket er støttet gennem kunstnerisk residensophold hos Holstebro Dansekompagni og Statens Kunstfond.
Koncept og koreografi: Simone Wierød – Wired Studio
Dramaturgi: Betina Rex
Musik: M€RCY
Scenografisk konsultation: Stumper og Stykker
Snedker: Munchs Snedkeri
Video: Tim Panduro
Foto: Tim Panduro