b y p a s s
Open call for artists working in the public space
Restrictions and demands from authorities about how to behave in the public space, closed boarders, and global traffic on hold. This means there are new ways in which an international street theater program must go on in the public space. New ways, that aren’t necessarily obstructive, but which might make way for new possibilities.
The PASSAGE Festival is launching a new platform called b y p a s s, that seeks artist who challenge the restrictions caused by Covid-19.
If you have an idea or a project that is relevant to develop or show in the public space, then apply to the open call in order to participate in b y p a s s.
PASSAGE Festival – a festival that lives and breathes
PASSAGE Festival is one of the few European street theater festivals that isn’t cancelled.
We are standing our ground, because we are a living and breathing festival that isn’t tied to fixed, institutional structures. The festival takes place in a public space, that is in contant movement. To adapt changing conditions is the very condition in with theater and art in the public space work. Covid-19 is merely a new dimension. It makes PASSAGE Festival more actual than ever before. Therefor we insist on completing the festival, even though we much change the framework and the program radically and find alternative ways in which to operate.
The main part of the PASSGE Festival is held the 27th July to 1st of August 2020, but the festival period is expanded all the way to 30th of June 2021.
Performing artists working in the public space.
Anything from work in progress, working processes, rehearsals, excerpts, showing or finished performances.
It is possible to complete the performance in its entirety or partically in the extended period of the festival from 2nd of August 2020 to 30th of July 2021.
PASSAGE Festival will help locate relevat sites, engage with audience and in a certain extent the communication.
Artists are given a fee for public showings.
There is no deadline for application, but the sooner the better. Send an e-mail to: jfh@helsingor-teater.dk
If you have any videomaterial, a project description or visual material, then please include this.
SELECTED b y p a s s PROJECTS FOR PASSAGE 2020 (27/7-1/8)
Ved ribbevæggen – ekko fra en skole by Convoi Exceptionnel (DK)
Everyday People by Society of Labyrinthian Anarchaeology (DK)
CameliOrquestra by Teater GLiMT (DK)
Instant Compositions by Copenhagen International Arts Collective (DK)