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Contributors at Nordic Street

Aslak Gottlieb

Debator, author and communicator, project maker and motivational entrepreneur at the crossroads between teaching, journalism and IT.

Astrid Aspegren

Editor of Connecting Audiences Denmark and European Project Worker at CKI – Danish center for Arts and Interculture. CKI is an organisation that supports the cultural sector. We work on development programmes and as consultants to strengthen a cultural democracy, together with colleagues from Denmark, the Nordics and Europe. We work with cultural institutions, policy makers and individuals.

Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU

Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU is the first Danish NGO that works exclusively for the green transition in the performing arts industry. Through the close collaboration with Dansk Teater and the more than 80 theaters that are affiliated, Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU supports knowledge development and exchange of experience across the performing arts industry. 

Cofounders and leaders of Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU: Jacob Teglgaard & Christian Gade Bjerrum

Birgitte Kirkhoff / Being in Practice

Being in Practice connects art, ecology, and spirituality towards conscious being and practice. Founded by Birgitte Kirkhoff, who’s worked with contemporary art for +20 years, Being in Practice offers mentorship, courses, retreats, and more to those who long for a deeper connection to themselves and a reconnection to the more-than-human-world. 

Chrissie Faniadis / City of Malmö

Chrissie Faniadis is a cultural policy expert, producer and strategist. She is the Founder and Director of EUNIA, the coordinating partner of Learning Trajectories, and a former facilitator of the Producers’ Academy. Currently she is Head of Section at the City of Malmö, Sweden, leading its efforts towards becoming European Capital of Culture in 2029. She is on the board of the Royal Opera House of Sweden, a frequent speaker, moderator and expert in cultural policy with a long-standing engagement on the European scene. She is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Christine Fentz / Secret Hotel

Artistic Director of Secret Hotel. Secret Hotel creates participatory performing arts about and with some of all the creatures we share this planet with. Our performances stimulate senses and intellect and are created in collaborations between artists and scientists. Secret Hotel was founded in 1999, and we have worked with places and other living beings for more than ten years.

Ditte Ejlerskov

Contemporary artist living and working in Denmark. Ditte Ejlerskov will speak about my recent exhibition at Nikolaj Kunsthal. Her mission with the show was to hail the Goddess of Oxytocin – the love hormone we as humans inherited from our ancestors. Concurrently offering a zoom into the eternal battle between Oxytocin and the survival hormone Adrenaline, this show also suggested indulgence in the rush of love. Ultimately her work here served as guides for the visitor to regain control over your blood. An instrumental art experience, if you will.

Gry Worre Hallberg / Sisters Hope

Gry Worre Hallberg is Artistic Director of Sisters Hope. Sisters Hope is an award-winning performance group spearheading a new way of performance artwork. Their work unfolds at the intersection of immersion, intervention, activism and research. In their large-scale durational performances, they explore a future Sensuous Society – a potential new world arising from the economical and ecological crisis. 

Ieva Niedre / Foundation INTINIUM

Creative producer, applied theatre facilitator and chairwoman of the board of foundation INITIUM. Foundation INTINIUM is an NGO founded in 2016. in Latvia – a platform for new art forms, culture and education projects, community and applied arts projects, INITIUM focuses on professional contemporary art projects as well as on neighborhood and community development using arts as a tool for it.

Inge Agnete Tarpgaard

Far from the echo chamber of the art life in the city, and by coincidence Inge Agnete Tarpgaard live at the West Coast of Denmark, and work from here as an artist and project leader in the field of social art practices. Artist by the municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern and co-project leading “Kunstneren Tæt På/The Artist Close By”.

Jakob La Cour

Award-winning performing artist, director, and immersion designer at JAKOB LA COUR STUDIO. With a Master’s Degree in Interaction Design from The Royal Danish Academy of Art in Design. Currently works with a mix of performing arts, new technology, and mysticism targeting metaphysical thrill-seekers.

Ludvig Duregård

Ludvig Duregård has been working with independent culture organizations and their policy interest for the better part of his career. He has always had a special interest in the role, right and responsibilities of art and other cultural practices in the public space. 

Maja Friis

Maja Friis is a Danish documentary film director and video artist whose artistic niche consists of a series of cinematic installations combining nature observations, climate research and visual art. Maja has a master’s degree in Film Studies, University of Cph including research studies at La Cinémathèque de la Danse in Paris.

Majken Overgaard / Catch

Program director of Catch. Throughout her career Majken Overgaard has focused on the synergies between technology and contemporary art. Catch is a center for art, technology and design. They are located in Elsinore and their practice is focused on exploring and developing new ideas at the intersection of technology, art and design. Catch takes a practice-based and open-door approach to learning, offering year-round workshops, institutional and independent collaborations, public exhibitions, and on-site and off-site programming.

Niels Righolt / CKI

Niels Righolt have many years of experience in the cultural sector. He is very excited to talk about the future of arts practices. At CKI they are deeply invested in cultural democracy, and we are working towards a more sustainable and diverse future.  CKI is an organisation that supports the cultural sector. We work on development programmes and as consultants to strengthen a cultural democracy, together with colleagues from Denmark, the Nordics and Europe. We work with cultural institutions, policy makers and individuals.

Rita Marcalo / Instant Dissidence 

Instant Dissidence is an Ireland-based company directed by Rita Marcalo. It is Rita Marcalo’s way of bringing different artists together, in different combinations, to realise different ideas: through Instant Dissidence she invent ways of offering other people art experiences and solve creative problemsInstant Dissidence is also a socially-engaged and ecologically-engaged company: they foreground the role that dance/choreography can play as a social engine; we are ‘artivists’ who believe in the power of connecting art and social consciousness.

Signe Meisner Christensen

Signe Meisner Christensen is an independent curatorial researcher and research affiliate at Aalborg University. Her research focuses on curatorial agency as a politics of knowledge, which may support the thriving of decolonial and more-than-human worlds. She was chief  curator for OPEN (2020) at Kunsten, and The Third Space (2022). 

Simone Wierød

Simone Wierød is a Danish choreographer working with dance, film and choreographic installations. Through cross-disciplinary collaborations she continuously seeks to expand her choreographic approach and methods and address current agendas in society. Her main tool is bodily movement, but other elements in her works are objects, space and sound. 

Tina Ryoon Andersen 

Tina Ryoon Andersen, faciliterer projekter, relationer og viden i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og teknologi. Hun er bl.a. med i Det Algoritmiske Teater, et arbejdsfællesskab der med en kunstnerisk tilgang undersøger, hvordan algoritmiske teknologier påvirker vores krop og liv. Studerer MA Curating (AU) og er programudvikler v. Ingeniørforeningen IDA. 


MECHANIMAL is an award-winning theatre company based in Bristol, England, led by Tom Bailey. It tours both in the UK and internationally, making work that focuses on exploring our relationship with a changing planet. Recent company projects include ‘Zugunruhe’ (Herald Angel award) and ‘Possession’ (D- CAF Cairo, 2018 / British Council Egypt). 

Vera Meader / Hello!earth

Vera Meader is Co-Artistic Director of hello!earth. Hello!earth has for the past 15 years dedicated themselves to create transdisciplinary participatory art works with strong relational approach. They insist that art is a place for big and fragile visions. A laboratory space where new thoughts and ideas can become reality, where we together create the world, instead of consuming it. 

Zelda Soussan / LUIT – Urban Laboratory of Temporaries Interventions 

Zelda  Soussan is the Artistic Director of LUIT. The LUIT – Urban Laboratory of Temporaries Interventions is a theater group who works and experiments in the public space. They like to play with the fictionnal potential of the city. Situated between theatre and performance, we interrogate participation inside a show, a city, a democracy.